7 research outputs found

    Host-Based Virtual Networks Management in Cloud Datacenters

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    Infrastructure management is of key importance in a wide array of computer and network environments. The use of virtualization in cloud datacenters has driven the communications and computing convergence to a common operational entity. Failure to effectively manage the involved infrastructure results as impediments in provisioning a successful service. Information models facilitate the infrastructure management and current solutions can be effectively applied in most datacenter scenarios, apart from cases where the networking architecture relies heavily on systems virtualization. In this paper we propose an information model for managing virtual network architectures, where hypervisors and computing server resources are deployed as the basis of the networking layer. We provide a successful proof of concept by managing a virtual machine-based network infrastructure acting as an IP routing platform using statistical methods. Our proposal enables a dynamic reconfiguration of allocated infrastructure resources adapting, in real-time, to variations in the imposed workload

    OMTP: combining TCP and UDP for multimedia streaming

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    In this paper we present the Overlay Media Transport Protocol (OMTP), a novel yet simple protocol, which combines the fairness and congestion control of TCP with the minimalist approach of UDP to deliver high performance for multimedia streaming in a flexible and efficient way. No modification is needed on either TCP or UDP. Furthermore, OMTP can be used with in any type of TCP/IP based network and can be applied to single or multiple levels of multimedia stream quality

    LEMP: Lightweight Efficient Multicast Protocol for Video on Demand

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    In this paper, we propose a new scalable application-layer protocol, specifically designed for data streaming applications with large client sets. This is based upon a control hierarchy of successive levels for the clients, has minimal overhead with constant number of messages per client, and is robust to client and network failures, making it suitable for wireless environments. The video server bandwidth utilization is also significantly reduced. We present an analysis and simulation results, showing that LEMP is near optimum in terms of performance